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My work method could be classified as it happened by my own or cooperations with other artists, students or groups. Besides that the attitude of making art alone, I have started to research the possibilities of cooperations in fine art. Since 2013 I had a lot of chance to experience the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon - I was leading an artgroup for 2 years and within the Doctoral Programme of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts I could work with art students and also organized an artworkshop in the land art topic.

In this page could found the documentations of these situations and exhibitions (my own works can be seen under 'Installations' menu).

Exhibitions and cooperations

Rootzone (2017)

2016-17-es egyetemi tanévben alkotóként és kurátorként részt vehettem a Sass Valéria és Szabó Ádám osztály (Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem, Szobrász Tanszék) éves kiállításában, melynek idén az Óbudai Társaskör Galéria adott otthont.


Paramnesia (2017)

The documentation of the Paramnesia - The Oppressiveness of the Irrepeatability of Perfection's exhibition.

It was the last project which I participated in with the 6D group.


Apprentice Master (2016)


I participated in an international artworkshop in Tillburg, Netherland. Young artists were selected into groups and have to make groupexhibitions around Europe. We have got a possibility in Tillburg, Kunstpodium T.



Accident (2016)

The third round of the exhibition series of 6D group in Omnivore Gallery: the Accident. In the empty exhibition space the public could sense a metaphysical (and pseudoscientific) phenomena by their smartphones - the Schwarzschild-phenomena!

Exhibiting artists: Piroska Bibok, Ágnes Hardi (6D), Éva Jámbor, Margit Koller (6D) and Loránd Szécsényi-Nagy.


Side by Side in the Middle (2015)


This is the documentation of a new art group's (I am one of the members) first exhibition in Budapest, Omnivore Gallery: the 6D group!

Click to the image to read more and watch the documentation.


Window to Prague (2013)


The Valéria Sass - Ádám Szabó class has class exhibition every year. In 2013 we got the task that we have to transform the Fészek Gallery's space into a flat's space. We had to cooperate and reflect to each other with my classmates during this project.

To see more photos and a part of the video, or rather the documentation of the vernissage click to the picture.



© 2013 by Koller Margit

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