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Window to Prague (2013)


The Valéria Sass - Ádám Szabó class has class exhibition every year. In 2013 we got the task that we have to transform the Fészek Gallery's space into a flat's space. We had to cooperate and reflect to each other with my classmates during this project.

To see more photos and a part of the video, or rather the documentation of the vernissage click to the picture.



Recently I've been creating doors and windows - by wood, or just projected them onto the wall or onto recycled wondowframe or real windows. These installations are always the copy of real spaces, however they show a surreal reality's illusion in their temporality or spatiality. My purpose to creaty life-sized installations, in which the time and space are mixed in a tactile way - thereby diverge from our basic perception. I try to motivate the public to rethink their skills of perception, and open their mind to an abstract way of percieve time and space (the basic dimensions of our perception).

Segment (2013)


This is not a door or a window, but it was my first work where I started to play with the meeting of the reality and the virtual presence (for example mirroring).

Click to the image to see more pictures.



Times are Changing in my Window (2013-14)


Click to the image to watch my space-specific video installation, inspirated by Herman Hesse.


A door just a crack (2014)


This open left door through which light filters is carved out of a single block of wood. It is on the wall (like a relief), so this could be a gate of a hidden mysterious space.

Click to the image to see more pictures.


Opening (2014)


This videoinstallation shows the illusion of opening doors to a non-real space. 

Click to the image to watch the documentation.



Timetrack (2014)


In 2014 I won a possibility to make a solo show in the Labor Gallery, Budapest. I took some of my previous videoinstallations, and I made some new specifically here.

Click to the image to watch the documentation.


Without Treshold (2015)


This is my diplomawork in the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Sculptor Department.

Click to the image to read more and watch the documentation.


I Extinguish my Memories (2016-17)

My site-specific videoinstallation (created to one of the room of Budapest Gallery) is about the therapeutic effect of remembrance.



Paramnesia (2016-17)

My first video where I appear and it works on screen, not projected. And this is just a beginning of a beautiful friendship.



Lichthof Symphony No.17 (2016)

My dadaist symphony in the DLADLA100 centenary exhibition.



Weather (2016)

Click to the image for the documentation of my site-specific videoinstallation in Kunsthalle.



© 2013 by Koller Margit

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