koller margit
56,3 square meters (2013)
Window to Prague
Video from the vernissage
(made by Dániel János Fodor)
The Valéria Sass - Ádám Szabó class has class exhibition every year. In 2013 we got the task that we have to transform the Fészek Gallery's space into a flat's space. We had to cooperate and reflect to each other with my classmates during this project.
This false window illustrates a typical street scene from Prague. I recorded it in Prague, when I was there with erasmus, in a central square. I projected this record to a window frame, generating an illusion of a false space onto the wall.
From left hand there are two works of my classmates: a door by Barbara Megyeri, and a traffic light by Balázs Máté Tóth.

The exhibition was in the Fészek Gallery, the opening speach was kept by György Szász. The substance of my video installation can be seen from 3:35.
