koller margit
Living Tree of Life
My work called „Living tree of life” was planted of freshly cut willow-wood twigs. The branches - bound up according to a strict geometrical structure - warp in four directions in a system continuously controlled by me. Still the purpose of the constant control is not to grow a large-sized bonsai but to create the „idea of tree” in a platonic manner: in other words the collision of human’s creation with organisms sprung from the nature.
I drew the illustration to be seen above/below on the occasion of the Sculpture in Physical Environment exhibition in 2012. I intended to demonstrate the work’s (this particular tree’s) regular growth according to my expectations (besides taking the laws of nature into consideration). The serial pictures represent the initial stage, I took these photographs soon after the plantation. Unfortunately the semester which I have spent in Prague resulted in the fact that I could not take care of this work, thus a provisional retrocession is to be seen in this project.
After having consulted with my friend Kerékgyártó Ákos, horticulturist I believe I can let the rods begin to grow again, so it allows me to resume the series of photographs taken of the stages of the tree’s growth, it’s cyclical nature, whereof I plan to prepare a stop-motion video.

2012 pencil

2012, Spring